New Ladies Captain

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It is wonderful to welcome our new Ladies Captain - Maddie Brittian Long.

Maddie described her journey for the newsletter:

"After watching my parents…

Cherished Life Member

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We are so sad to hear the news that Carolyn Brodie has passed away.  Over the last couple of years, she battled hard against her illness and had been…

Helford 2nd In The World

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Helford Ladies A crew

After several years without the Scillies World Championships, 2022 saw the return of this amazing event. Our club has always been…

Mini Scillies 2022

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Saturday brought great racing, glorious sun and a brisk easterly wind. Thank you to every member of our organisational team for planning and delivering…

Falmouth Regatta November 2021

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Well done to our amazing teams who slogged their hearts out at the Falmouth regatta on the 9th October. The weather was clear, the water smooth, and the…
